I know it's been a number of days since the last update. Internet connections in Glacier Nation Park were few and far between. We knew that was going to be the case so I just continued to write just like I did on the long road to Alaska a couple of years ago. Now that I'm connected again, I will be updating several days.
Today we hit the road and know that tonight we are going to be in the park tonight. In Columbia Falls, just outside the park, we broke into two parties. I stayed in Columbia Falls with the kids for an afternoon at a great water park while everyone else firmed up our navigation/camping plan for the next couple of days.

Good news it the road, while washboard and narrow in some places, is suitable for us navigate up to Bowman Lake in the Northwest corner of the park.

Up the hill we go.

Up and up. The road got steeper and narrower.
Peek-a-boo views started teasing us.
Until finally the destination for they day - Bowman Lake.

Which, come to find out, is very difficult to photograph well.
For now it's time for bed. Then on to blogging tomorrow.