Sunday, July 8, 2007

Day 14


Back on the road North bound today. It was hard leaving the company of the cousins in Homer but there is more to this great land to explore.

Since much of today's travels are a repeat of road already traveled, there are not a lot of new pictures.

Mileage for today - 329.

A few days ago, I was asked what "blackout curtains" were for. Well, at these latitudes, it does not get dark this time of year. Today, the sun will rise at around 03:30 AM and set around 12:30AM the following morning.

For example. Here is a look out a window. You can see in the timestamp on the picture that it's 22:51

This is the results of using regular blinds.

Now, engage the blackouts.

Almost dark enough for those of us that live out in the sticks where it gets dark at night.

That's all for now. Stay tuned.

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