Made the run from Dawson City to Whitehorse today.
Very striking memory, the first few kilometers South of Dawson City. For many years, they ran those big floating dredges up and down the river bottom seeking gold. The entire river bottom from side to side has been churned up like a ginormous rototiller had repeatedly been ran through it. We didn't take any pictures of it because we couldn't find a way to do it justice. I did find this. Maybe this will help. Maybe this picture will help (click here for link)
On the road, we stopped in the town of Braeburn where they claim to have cinnamon rolls the size of your head. Well, they are certainly close.
From what I read, this is a popular place among pilots since they have a grass strip right across the highway. Fly in, get loaded up on monster cinnamon rolls, and fly out.
Took another picture of the truck. It's still about as dirty as when we got off the "Top of the World". Then again, it's been dry since then.
Total mileage for today - 332 miles.
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